Episode Transcript
The Roots of Success podcast is for the landscape professional who's looking to up their game. We're not talking lawns or grass here. We're talking about people, process, and profits. The things deep within the business that need focus to scale a successful company from hiring the right people and managing your team to improving your operations and mastering your finances.
We've got a brain trust of experts to help you nurture the roots of a successful business and grow to the next level. This is The Roots of Success.
Tommy Cole: Welcome to another episode of Roots of Success podcast. And I have another amazing guest as always. They are all amazing. But today I have the Jason New co founder and partner of McFarland Stanford. How are you, Jason?
Jason New: I'm doing amazing. I'm glad to be here. Tommy. It's been too long.
Tommy Cole: It's been a long time. I think we see each other more on this. This podcast that we do actually in person, which is awesome. So we got to, we got to you were, you were very well liked in the very early days of Roots of Success podcast year and a half back and now you're back on and, and we've had rave reviews about you sharing all your wisdom and knowledge and, and [00:01:00] all the great hairs that keep kind of accumulating throughout.
Yep. All good. All good. So, so Jason, we have this thing. We have this thing coming up in November. it's the best part of what we do. It happens once a year in a special destination. Why don't you explain to our audience what's coming up this November?
What's happening this november?
Jason New: Well, this November is annually. We get all of our ace peer groups together in one place. We get to bring our spouses, bring our right hand men, women to be a part of something special. We put on a private conference called a summit where we come together and some of your facilitators and guest speakers.
And we come together, put some great content together. For you specifically these ACE peer group members. And so it's something new and fresh every single year. That's a way to go and get back to basics. In some ways, we're going to bring you back to some things that remind us of how you can accelerate your company and build onto what you've already done.
But it's a great way for us in November to also celebrate and have some fun together too. So it's [00:02:00] a lot of fun. It's a lot of content. I'm excited about it. Tommy.
Tommy Cole: Yeah. And, and the best part is you get to bring your spouse. And so they get to see and meet all these people you've been meeting out for the last 12 months. All the conversations, all the calls, all the site tours, all the And you're can start to put the puzzle together of all these people you're hanging out with and we get to see the best side, in attendance.
Jason New: Absolutely. Well, they get to finally meet some of these group members. Maybe you've mentioned about you go on trips with for three times a year. They're like, I don't know who that is. They finally get to meet him and then they become friends. It's amazing how that works out.
Tommy Cole: Yeah. So true. So Jason, you are, you are presenting a couple of topics. As usual, we all are presenting great topics, and we get the pleasure of coming up with some great content to share some of the things we've learned in the last year or two from all of our ACE members along the way. Let's talk about one in [00:03:00] particular.
You've got this topic. Actually, I do too. I just kind of realized that we're both speaking about this. But I want your take on it. So the one of the breakout rooms, we have 10 must have operational skills. For construction and maintenance,
Jason New: love
Tommy Cole: give us a little bit of a teaser. Like what's going to go on.
What to excpect from ACE Summit
Tommy Cole: What can we expect when tons of people show up for this one?
Jason New: Well, let's take a step back on that. I love the thought process behind this must haves, right? So we get a chance if you think about all the peer groups that we work with, And the number of companies that we get a chance to go and visit each year and the facilities and the teams that we work with, and we've started finding a common thread of things that have really helped companies be successful and the things that if they are stuck, they have grown, what are the things that are holding them back?
So must have skill sets for someone that is and maintenance, right? That's [00:04:00] what I'm going to lay into. That's where my background is from. And Tommy, I know this is something I know you're working towards, but it's like you have the exact same thought process and what you've experienced with the install side of the construction side.
For me, it doesn't range into what your field team member is doing necessarily. This is what middle managers are doing. This is what leadership is doing. What are the things that we do as ones that are leading the charge and managing the day to day responsibilities in those areas to make sure we're doing it the right way.
Tommy Cole: That's it's great. So as you know, all owners can attend this event and what we're going to be able to do. Is share the 10 must haves for your leadership team or your, you know, operational teams, sales team, that type of thing and say, these are the things that you need to take back to your team and implement.
Focusing on skills
Tommy Cole: So we're talking about skills. Like, is this like taking a shovel and planting a shrub? Like, is that a skill? [00:05:00] Is it like. Driving a truck. Is that a skill? Like give us a little taste Maybe like one that you might be thinking of for the maintenance side that says Okay. Yeah, I I've got to go to this one.
Jason New: How about introducing new process, making sure that we've got people that are coming on board, right? We've hired a number of new team members this spring, and how do we keep our standards and our quality where we want them to be? And what is the successful way that we get that implemented and that it stays true to what we want to do as a company. that is a skill.
Tommy Cole: Love it, man Let me jump in because I I've got a couple of skills too from the install side This is going to go really good and I I can take it to a hundred different directions But let's talk about my most favorite and people are sick and tired of probably hearing it But I still see a ton of people that don't do it and that's the sales to production handoff That's it.
That's a [00:06:00] necessary Skill that has to happen for small medium large projects But most importantly it can also happen in maintenance You and I both know this that we did this in the maintenance division a lot. So let's take this little example, I got a sales production handoff from the, from a salesperson, we have the meeting, we get the game plan, we get the cliff notes, we get all the details of everything, get the budgeted hours, the, the, the job, the plans, the photos, all that we go execute the job.
Then at some point through that job, weeks or months or years, We got to get someone like Jason New to jump in and start with the maintenance, right? You jump in I do a handoff meeting as the job is finishing up. I bring in the maintenance team They make a perfect smooth transition to take over the property They're getting used to it as you're dialing in and kind of putting a bow on it And the maintenance team's taking over and the client is like, oh, that is smooth sailing right there That's [00:07:00] probably one of the things that we're talking about the skill sets of taking it You From visionary sales person all the way into the ground and then continuing that, that effort for years to come.
Jason New: Absolutely. And there's, there's plenty of ways out of the 10 things that we cover, my gosh, these 10 things everybody should be doing. So if you need to. Make some improvements in your company. You have some quality things that you're working towards. If you've got new team members, this is for you. Like this is something you've got to come and see.
Tommy Cole: Love it. Anything else to add like to your presentation, it's you and I, which. You and I do really well. We're very good. I think some people in our, in our, our little area is a little jealous because we're so good at what we do. We won't name names, but is there anything else that you can think of that says, yep, one more teaser.
Jason New: You know, I'm thinking if you got the creative side of what we do. Okay. So there's definitely [00:08:00] the standards we've got to build. This this creative side of what we've challenged ourselves to do each and every year to make ourselves better. Learn some things of what we're going to talk about common skills, right?
So maybe it's us learning about the right products that we're using on a project or a property in order for us to deliver the results we want. And that product can be anything to do from a chemical standpoint to potentially looking at the software that's helping you create and drive the results you want.
But allow you to start tracking and measuring the data you are doing every single day to know what you're doing is working. And so we're going to wrap in to meet, you know, these skills are applying the things that are working. And then how do we know it's going to work and track it by the end of it?
Tommy Cole: I like what you said there is which I could totally agree. You know, I want everyone that comes to be prepared, to be prepared. So in other words, [00:09:00] check out your entire system of your business between now and November. Understand the operational skills that are going on now. Understand that the ones that are working, the ones that are not working.
Take those notes, save those notes on a paper or Apple notes at some point. Gather information for the next several months. And then when you come to summit, that's when you can sit there and listen to this presentation, understand, like, it'll give you a gauge of how you're doing. You, there's some things that, listen, there's a lot of great stuff out there.
And I think every company has great operational skills that they're doing. It's just, how do we continuously do that every single day and be disciplined about it, but then also introduce some new things that we haven't done or thought of or implemented. So I'm going to challenge everyone that's listening to this.
is study and be aware of what's going on in your company now for the next several months. Take notes and then bring that to our presentation [00:10:00] because Ours is going to be awesome And then add to it adjust tweak and better yet share that stuff with all your ace members You know understand what's more that you get out of it Take that back to your company when the ace the summit event's over and hit the ground running.
Jason New: You got it.
Tommy Cole: Love it. Love it
Jason New: This is, this is the true art, Tommy, of, you know, we, we challenge ourselves, you know, this thought process of, more efficient and getting things done in a way that delivers the results. We want to make better money or better profitability. Well, this is where it comes down to it, right? These are the skills you've got to work on to be able to be more profitable in your company and then train the next guy to do the same thing.
Tommy Cole: Love it. So jason we have got let me go over some details. We are going to be The most awesome kind of crazy funky town of new orleans You And if you've been living under a rock for, I don't know how many [00:11:00] years, Jason and I and our team go to New Orleans multiple times a year, it is some of the most amazing food.
Check. Some of the most amazing music. Check. We've got a most amazing brand new hotel. Four seasons. It's beautiful. Jason's dream hotel because it's really what you're used to. And lots of, lots of fun, entertainment, people watching to the most extreme, easy to get to for flights. I'm so looking forward to this.
It's November 13th through 15th. In new Orleans, one of them was our favorite cities to attend. And it's, it's going to be phenomenal. We've already got a record amount of people signed up for it. So once again, I can guarantee you it's going to be completely book and oversold again.
The VIP Experience
Tommy Cole: What are a couple of things that you're most excited about, about the entire event?
Jason New: Oh my gosh. So one, we are as part of a [00:12:00] VIP experience and there are tickets still available. They go fast. So if you were interested, we get to go tour the world war two museum and be do this fantastic walkthrough and a private tour. Then we have a theater where they're going to have like 1940s songs and rendition of of the bells.
They're going to perform for us. And you get a chance to network with other business owners in this industry and have conversations in a casual setting about what they're doing in their lives. What can be better? Like to me, this is a networking event. It's a way to spoil yourself. And yeah, I think that hotel is a little bougie.
Right up my alley. So I love it.
Tommy Cole: That's great.
Jason New: We get, and we get a chance to, you know, spoil ourselves for a moment, right? Let's enjoy what we've done this year, but let's also learn and challenge ourselves to get better.
Favorite things about New Orleans
Tommy Cole: Yeah, love it. One of my most favorite things to do in new Orleans, as everyone would say is I'm a huge fan of the [00:13:00] beignets. They're my favorite. I like powdered sugar. Not necessarily should I be eating those but that is my guilty pleasure So at some point when I get off the plane There is one of those cafe de monday It's gonna stare in my face when I get off the plane to go come eat me real quick I that's one of my most favorite things in the world so i'm gonna have to like train extra hard and gear up for that because that is like On the top five list to do in New Orleans.
What's one of your top five things to do in that city?
Jason New: Oh my gosh. So you've got to go, there's a place that we've gone to. You could, there's a couple of them, but Mahoney's Shrimp Po Boy. If it is, they don't, you can't, there's barely enough room for any of the extra fixings, there's so much shrimp on it. That's shrimp. Oh boy is incredible. I have to get one every time I go there.
Tommy Cole: yes, I agree. And it's not one of those skimpy ones where you go up in the Northeast and there's like three pieces of shrimp and it's full loaf of bread. Yeah, no, it is more shrimp [00:14:00] than bread. I'm with you. Well, this has been a pleasure. It's been short and sweet. I wanted to get some teasers from Jason because he does a great presentation.
Probably it's being built currently, so we're not quite there. But this is an awesome opportunity to network with, People, friends, spouses, get out of the business for a few days. See how everyone's doing. Also learn a little bit. And you're never too old. You're never too young to learn a little bit of information.
It kind of keeps you on your edge, keeps everything spiced up. I'm looking forward to this event every single year. My spouse gets to go and gets to see all the new faces. All the faces that have been in this thing for, for multiple years, but we're super stoked about it and Jason, I would love to have you guys, anyone attend and it's going to be awesome.
Well, tons of fun, Jason, anything else?
Jason New: Listen, come ready to eat. Come ready to enjoy some great company with the people that [00:15:00] are, that are part of these groups and come ready to learn. So we're, we're excited for you to join us.
Tommy Cole: Awesome. All right. We'll see you next time. Thanks, Jason.
John: Ready to take the next step? Download our free Profitability Scorecard to quickly create your own baseline financial assessment and uncover the fastest ways to improve your business. Just go to McFarlinStanford.com/scorecard to get yours today To learn more about McFarlin Stanford our best in class peer groups and other services go to our website at McFarlinStanford.com And don't forget to follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. See you next time on the Roots of Success.