Whether you own a landscape business in a metropolitan city with several other lawn care companies or you service a smaller town with less competition, it’s nice to meet other landscape industry leaders for a number of reasons. From expert guidance, tips and tricks of the trade, and even just the camaraderie of knowing there’s someone out there experiencing the same highs and lows as you can be really comforting as a landscape business owner.
If you’re excited to broaden your community of business owners and tap into the landscape industry near you, we’ve compiled a few ways to get in–and what to expect once you’re there.
Where to Go and Who to Talk to
Even veteran lawn care business owners can have a tough time knowing where to start when it comes to networking. At McFarlin Stanford, we pride ourselves on creating a community of like-minded business owners because at the end of the workday, it’s nice knowing there are people going through the same struggles, looking for answers to the same questions, and striving to take their landscape business to the next level. Because we’re familiar with building a community of business owners, we suggest checking out the following avenues:
Landscape Industry Events
Look, there’s no better place to enter the landscape industry community than through leading industry events like the Grow! annual conference, the NALP’s Elevate exposition, or one of our own ACE Discovery events. As expected, you’ll not only learn so much about landscaping trends, cutting-edge technology, and insider business advice–you’ll be surrounded by other lawn care company owners. It’s an incredible opportunity to meet other owners who are trying to expand their services, increase their revenue, and keep up with their area’s demand.
Peer Groups
Another way to get connected with other landscape industry leaders is through peer groups. This will be a more intimate way to meet others than industry network events, as peer groups are smaller, more direct, and often require a certain level of vulnerability. Talking about business struggles, concerns, and insecurities can be challenging, but peer groups create a safe environment where you can speak your mind freely and receive invaluable feedback in return. At McFarling Stanford, we’ve seen the positive impacts of joining a peer group and always recommend lawn care business owners trying them out for themselves.
Word of Mouth
If in-person events aren’t for you, the simplest way to get involved with your community of business owners is to ask around. Know of another lawn care business nearby? Reach out. Try to establish a relationship with the owner. If they aren’t available for one-on-one conversation, see if they recommend anyone. Ask others what they’re doing to plug into their network and see if they have any options that fit your needs. It’s easier than you think to get a part of your landscaping community–all you have to do is ask.
Benefits of Joining the Landscape Industry Community
Now that you’re aware of a few ways to enter the landscape industry community, we want to break down why it matters. As the saying goes, “alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
Very few people are lucky to walk into a family landscaping business. If that’s the case, you may have generations of people to discuss business concerns with, but the vast majority of lawn care business owners are going at this alone and need people to talk to. It’s hard to get specific guidance and industry-related advice from someone outside the business. Making a true effort to get to know other landscape industry leaders and business owners is your gateway to never-ending advice, guidance, tips, insight, personal experience, and so much more firsthand. If anything, it’s a disservice to your own business to skip out on this community. Take advantage of what's already waiting for you!
As you find your new tribe of industry leaders and business owners, you’ll find that a lot of these people are rooting for you. In fact, that’s the whole purpose of a peer group: Accountability and success. Setting goals and having people check in on those goals is one of the major perks of joining a community of other business owners. There’s no competition, only support. It keeps you on track to meet (and surpass!) your goals because there’s the healthy pressure of accountability to keep you going.
And finally, there’s the no-questions-asked-we-got-you support that comes with joining this community. Being a lawncare business owner has so many perks–but it can also be lonely. Knowing there are others who are going through the exact same thing provides a level of comfort that can’t be beat. Whether it’s wins or losses, there will always be another person who can relate and who you can rely on to be there and support you through it all.
Get Involved Today
We’re hoping you clearly see what benefits are waiting for you in the landscape industry. Our executive coaches are available 24/7 to help you get involved, feel connected, and stay on track with your goals, all you have to do is reach out. Check out our upcoming events or join a peer group to join our community of business owners who are ready to help you succeed.